
alla fiera dell'est

Kolejna niespodzianka ze strony Joyce'a.
Nigdy bym nie przypuszczała, że przy czytaniu Ulissesa pożyteczna może się okazać znajomość uroczej piosenki Alla fiera dell'Est, którą tak chętnie wyśpiewywaliśmy dawnymi czasy wraz z Societas Basilisciana.
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A tak o niej pisze autor Ulisses Annotated, książki, którą wczoraj dostałam w prezencie:
"The chant Chad Gadya ("One Kid"), which closes the second seder. Another cumulative chant, this one ends with the verse: "And the Holy One, blessed is He, came and killed the Angel of Death that slew the slaughterer that slaughtered the ox that drank the water that quenched the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that father bought for two zuzirn. One kid, one kid." (...) Chad Gadya (One Kid), in outward seeming a childish lilt, has been interpreted as the history of successive empires that devastate and swallow one another (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia,etc.), The kid, bottommost and most injured of all, is, of course, the people of IsraeL The killing of the Angel of Death marks the day when the kingdom of the Almighty will be establishedon earth; then, too, Israel will live in perfect redemption in the promised Land" (Abraham Regelson, The Haggadah of Passover, A Faithful English Rendering [New York, 1944], p. 63)."

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